DBM Ep 57: Meditations By Mamas: Rising Meditation – You Are Enough w/ Jamarah Amani

A purple and black cover of the book meditations by mamas




Dear Mama

You are worthy to rise each day and dance in your dreams with your children by your side.

You are worthy of serenity in birth.

You are worthy of joy while holding your children.


Join Midwife Jamarah Amani of Southern Birth Justice in partnership with the WNBA for a meditation experience to remind you:  You are complete. You are not alone.  You are magic.

Meditations by Mamas are led by Black mamas to help us maintain alignment with healing, creativity, and liberation to manifest joy and abundance.


Church Announcements

We’re coming to LA on September 3rd!!! Early bird has been EXTENDED TIL SUNDAY, AUGUST 20th. Get on the mothership & ride with us LIVE!  GET YOUR TIX NOW>>>https://demblackmamas.com/events/

About Jamarah Amani

Jamarah Amani, LM is a community midwife who believes in the transformative and healing power of birth and that every baby has a human right to human milk. Her mission is to do her part to build a movement for Birth Justice locally, nationally and globally. Jamarah is the architect of the Birth Justice framework, the Black Midwives Model of Care and the Birth Justice Bill of Rights. Jamarah identifies as Black, Femme and Queer.

A community organizer from the age of sixteen, Jamarah has worked with several organizations across the United States, the Caribbean and in Africa on various public health issues, including HIV prevention, infant mortality risk reduction, access to emergency contraception and access to midwifery care. As a birth worker and activist, Jamarah has been tackling issues of racial justice, including the epidemics of Black maternal and infant morbidity/mortality for over fifteen years. She is currently the Executive Director of Southern Birth Justice Network, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization working to expand the Birth Justice movement and to make midwifery and doula care accessible to marginalized communities. She is also the co-founder of National Black Midwives Alliance, the only national professional association in the U.S. specifically for midwives of African descent, and a founding member of the Queer and Transgender Midwives Association.

Jamarah is the recipient of the 2019 Trailblazer Award from the City of Miami, which proclaimed a day in her honor- Jamarah Amani Day, celebrated annually on March 14. She has been featured in a variety of media outlets including PBS, NPR, NBC and publications such as Vox, Atlanta Journal-Constitution and The Washington Post, among others. She has written for news outlets including the Miami Times and Miami Herald. Jamarah recently received the inaugural Umm Salaamah Sondra Abdullah- Zaimah Birthworker Award from Black Mamas Matter Alliance. In addition to parenting four children and watching the sunrise whenever possible, Jamarah offers midwifery care to families in South Florida and teaches workshops on Birth Justice to organizations across the United States.

Jamarah is currently producing a documentary entitled Legacy Power Voice: Movements in Black Midwifery with her partner, filmmaker Karyl-Lyn Sanderson. Jamarah penned and op-ed in the Miami Herald entitled  “Companies can’t support healthcare equity while backing Florida lawmakers whoundermine it†and she also received Trailblazer Award from the City of Miami Commission on the Status of Women.  In her acceptance speech, one of the things Jamarah said was, “I learned from elder midwives about birth goddesses and patience, what it means to support a mama with grace, how to maintain joy and self-care as a midwife. My elders gave me the story of the Black midwife, our legacy, which I carry in my heart always.â€Â 

Meditation Transcript

Greetings. My name is Jamara Amani. As a midwife and mother, I know firsthand the importance of mental health. I will be your guide for this brief meditation, Southern Birth Justice Network and the W N B A are partnering to bring you content that affirms your wellness. We want you to know that you are loved, supported, and you are not alone.

Thank you for joining us and be well. Rising meditation for you. Welcome to this meditation moment. I invite you to please relax your body, get into a comfortable position if you are able, and stay connected with your breath.

Blessed rising. You are the light of day, you wake up and love is reflected all around. You breathe with me for a count of four. 1, 2, 3, 4. Release for a count of 4, 4, 3, 2, 1. You dance in waking dreams at sunrise. When you open your mouth, songs of liberation come pouring out. You have the power of healing in your heart.

Joy is moving in your soul. Breathe with me. 1, 2, 3, 4, release. 4, 3, 2, 1. Graceful rising. You are a field of lavender. You’re the moon calling the tide to herself. The sky holds no limits for you. Your divine forever defies all illusion. Your glow can warm a cold room. Your ancestors smile on you whispering a song of courage in your ear.

Breathe. 1, 2, 3, 4. Release, 4, 3, 2, 1. Humble rising. You are. You are sustenance, you are intentional. You are nourishment. Your fierceness puts an end to suffering. Your love is stronger than fear. Your garden births new worlds. You are planting seeds that can be destroyed. You are water. You are life, you are sunlight. You are earth.

Breathe in. 1, 2, 3, 4. Release. 4, 3, 2, 1. Anointed rising. You are the beginning. You are eternity. You are too vast to be understood like the mysteries of the universe. You are dark matter. You are a map to knowledge in your fullness. You are flying. Breathe in 1, 2, 3. Four, release, 4, 3, 2, 1. You are flowing. The wind will carry you.

The storm will not defeat you. You gather all the shards of power scattered around you and you make something beautiful. Gather yourself and make this day yours. Wear your dignity as a crown. Roses. Bloom where you walk. Magic is your mother tongue. Your tears are an offering of spirit. Breathe in. 1, 2, 3, 4, release, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Serene rising. You move into this day royally exactly as you are. Unapologetically exactly where you are. You are complete. Breathe with me. 1, 2, 3, 4. Release, 4, 3, 2, 1. One more time. Breathe with me. One, two. Three, four. Release. 4, 3, 2, 1.